Privacy Policy

Welcome to Promenity, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "Promenity" or "we," "us," or "our"). Promenity operates the website, which may undergo modifications, relocations, or redirections from time to time (referred to as the "Site"), along with associated mobile applications (referred to as the "App"). Together, the Site and App constitute our "Platform." Our Platform serves the purpose of providing information about Promenity, facilitating the delivery of residential professional services, by independent contractors known as "Service Providers, or Vendors" and offering Promenity's matching and related services for these Professional Services (collectively known as the "Services"). 

We kindly request that you carefully review this updated Privacy Policy to understand how we handle your personal information. By utilizing any of our Services, you confirm that you have read, comprehended, and consented to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, we kindly ask that you refrain from using any of our Services. If you have any inquiries or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us at

Accessibility for Individuals with Disabilities

We are committed to making our Privacy Policy accessible to individuals with disabilities. Alternative formats of this Privacy Policy are available upon request. Please contact us at for assistance.

This Privacy Policy Addresses:

The categories of personal information we collect about you.

The sources from which we collect your personal information.

The purposes for which we use your personal information.

How we may disclose your personal information.

Your privacy rights.

Changes to this Privacy Policy.

Compliance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act

We do not collect any information from individuals under the age of 13. Our Platform and Promenity's services are intended for users who are 13 years of age or older. If you are under 13 years old, you are not authorized to use our Platform.

Scope of this Privacy Policy:

This Privacy Policy pertains to the personal information of individuals who browse, book, and receive Professional Services through our Platform and Services ("Consumer," "you," or "yours"). It does not extend to Service Providers, except for those in California, to whom it does apply. The term "Consumer" also excludes (a) Promenity's employees, contract workers, or applicants or employees and (b) agents of a business engaging in transactions with Promenity in their capacities as employees or agents of that business.

"Personal information" refers to data that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a specific Consumer or household.

Other Websites:

Our Platform may feature links to websites and services that are not operated or controlled by Promenity ("Third Party Sites"). The policies and procedures outlined in this document do not pertain to Third Party Sites. Inclusion of links to Third Party Sites on our Platform does not signify Promenity's endorsement or review of those sites. We recommend reaching out to these sites and services directly for information regarding their privacy policies.



We collect personal information that can identify you, such as your real name, telephone number, postal address, email address, unique personal or online identifiers, login credentials, and account name.

Commercial Information:

We gather data related to your commercial activities, including records of products or services purchased, purchase history, consumption habits, and information about your home, such as the number of rooms and cleaning instructions. We use this information to provide Professional Services and to track metrics on how you utilize our Services.

Internet Activity Information:

This category includes data about your interactions with Promenity's website, including browsing and search history, device details, browser information, operating system characteristics, Internet service provider, and IP address.

Location Data (Service Providers):

When Service Providers use the Promenity app, we collect precise or approximate location data from their mobile devices. This occurs when the app is active on-screen or running in the background. We gather location data from the time a Service Provider sends their estimated time of arrival (ETA) until they are onsite or up to an hour after the service is expected to be completed, whichever comes first. Please note that Service Providers can choose to disable location data collection, but this may impact certain features within the Promenity app.

Financial Information:

We collect payment information, such as debit or credit card details, bank account information, signatures, and billing addresses, to facilitate payment for our Services.

Sensory or Surveillance Data:

This category includes voicemails and recordings submitted by you, such as audio or video recordings associated with customer support interactions or feedback.

User Content:

We gather data you provide when contacting customer support, providing ratings, or engaging with Promenity. This may encompass feedback, photographs, or recordings you create, including audio or video recordings submitted during customer support interactions.

Demographic Data:

We may collect demographic information through surveys.

Communications Data:

During our interactions with you, we collect the content of these communications, as well as metadata, including the date and time of calls or text messages (SMS or MMS) and phone numbers involved.


We may draw conclusions about you based on other personal information we collect. For instance, we might infer your interest in a regular cleaning service at a new address based on your past use of such services at a previous address.

Additional Information about Payment Card Data:

While users can submit credit card or other payment card information to pay for Services on our Platform, please be aware that Promenity does not store this information. Instead, it is securely transmitted to a third-party payment card processor. The processor informs Promenity whether your payment has been successfully processed and provides a secure payment token, but it does not share payment card details with Promenity.

Do We Utilize Cookies?

Yes, we use cookies, which are small files transferred to your computer's hard drive through your web browser. These cookies enable our Platform or service provider to recognize your browser and capture specific information. We use cookies to gain insights into how users utilize the Platform. For example, cookies help us understand the time spent on web pages to identify the most engaging content.

If you prefer, you can configure your computer to notify you each time a cookie is sent, or you can opt to disable cookies by adjusting your browser settings. Keep in mind that disabling cookies may affect certain features on the Platform's functionality.

Web Beacons:

We incorporate small graphic images or web programming code, known as web beacons or pixel tags, on our Platform. These web beacons have unique identifiers and are used to track the online activities of web users. Unlike cookies, web beacons are embedded invisibly on web pages and are roughly the size of a period at the end of a sentence.

We may collect your email address using cookies and pixels on our website, in collaboration with trusted third-party partners. These partners may combine your email information with other data they have access to, such as mailing addresses, to provide relevant marketing offers through direct mail. If you do not wish for us to collect information about you, please contact us to opt out at



We collect personal information from you directly when you provide it voluntarily through our Platform, in person, or by filling out forms and surveys within the Platform.

Automated Technologies:

We also gather Internet Activity Information through automated technologies on the Platform, such as cookies.


We may receive personal information from law enforcement officials, public health authorities, and other government entities.

Google, Facebook, and Other Companies:

Personal information may be obtained from social media platforms, consumer research companies, and analytics or marketing/advertising firms.

Affiliated Brands:

We may receive personal information from other entities within the Promenity, Inc. family of brands.

Public Internet Sources:

We may collect personal information from publicly available internet sources, such as public databases.

Recording Technologies:

Personal information may be collected from voicemail technologies and audio/video recording technologies with your consent, as required by law. This typically occurs when you contact customer support or provide feedback.

Other Sources:

We may also gather personal information from other sources, such as referrals from other users and feedback from Service Providers.

How We Use Your Personal Information

Professional Services:

Request Handling: We utilize your personal information to submit, monitor, and facilitate your requests for Professional Services.

Payment Processing: We process payments related to your service requests.

Product and Service Provision: To provide you with the products or services you request from us.

Contractual Obligations: To fulfill our contractual obligations as per the agreements between you and us.

Interactive Features: Enabling your participation in interactive features of our Services when you choose to engage with them.

Communication Facilitation: To enable and facilitate communication through our Services, fostering interaction between you and us.

Location-Based Services: We may use location data to calculate Service Provider estimated times of arrival (ETAs) and track service progress.

Support and Marketing:

Customer Support: Providing assistance and support to you.

Optimized Content: Ensuring that content from our Services is presented effectively on your device.

Notifications: Keeping you informed about any changes to our Services.

Service Improvement: Making improvements or modifications to our Services based on your feedback and usage patterns.

Performance Metrics: Calculating conversion rates and evaluating various aspects of our Services' performance.

Marketing and Promotion: Utilizing your information for marketing, advertising, and promotional activities.

Maintenance and Analysis: Conducting operations to maintain our Services, troubleshoot software issues, analyze data, perform tests, research, and monitor usage and activity trends.

Legal Compliance: To comply with legal obligations.

Policy Compliance: Monitoring compliance with Promenity policies.

Protection: Ensuring the rights, property, and safety of Promenity, Consumers, or others.

Audits and Investigations: Conducting internal audits and investigations, monitoring Promenity information systems, and supporting law enforcement in suspected criminal conduct reporting.

Corporate Transactions: In connection with corporate transactions, sales, asset assignments, mergers, divestitures, or other changes of control or financial status involving Promenity or its affiliates.

Legal Rights: Exercising Promenity's rights under applicable law, supporting claims, defenses, or declarations before authorities or dispute resolution panels.

Tracking Across Time and Sites:

Online Activity Tracking: Our platform tracks your online activities over time and across websites or online services on an individually identifiable basis. For instance, we may display advertisements on other websites based on your interests on our platform. Third parties may also use our platform for similar tracking purposes.

Deidentified Information:

Deidentification: On occasion, we may convert personal information into deidentified information to ensure it cannot be associated with individuals, except for reidentification tests for process validation. Vendors are contractually prohibited from attempting to reidentify Promenity's Deidentified Information.

How We May Disclose Your Personal Information

Promenity prioritizes the confidentiality of your personal information but may disclose it for specific purposes as mentioned in Section 3. Disclosures may involve the following categories of external recipients:

Vendors: Personal information may be shared with service providers and contractors to assist in delivering our Services, with contractual obligations in place.

Service Providers: When you submit a service request, we may share relevant information with the Service Provider to facilitate the delivery of Professional Services.

Affiliated Brands: Information may be shared with other brands within the Promenity, Inc. family.

Required Disclosures: Disclosure may be necessary to comply with legal processes, court orders, subpoenas, or other legal obligations.

Legal Compliance and Protections: Personal information may be disclosed to uphold legal requirements or protect the rights, property, or safety of Promenity, our users, or others.

Corporate Transactions: In connection with corporate changes, such as mergers, sales, or asset transfers, your personal information may be disclosed to prospective purchasers.

Sale or Sharing of Personal Information: You have the option to opt out of the sale or sharing of your personal information by clicking here.

Privacy Rights

How to Exercise Your Rights:

With the exception of opt-out rights, you can request to exercise your rights through the following methods:


Promenity may need to verify your identity as per applicable law.

Privacy Rights for California Residents:

If you are a California resident, you have specific rights:

Right to opt Out of Sales: You can opt out of the sale of your personal information by clicking here or emailing

Right to Know: You can request copies of your personal information collected in the last 12 months and information about its collection, use, and disclosure. You can also inquire about the categories of your personal information sold or shared for advertising purposes.

Right to Delete: You can request the deletion of your provided personal information.

Right to Correct: You can request the correction of inaccurate personal information maintained by Promenity.

Right to Restrict Use and Disclosure of Sensitive Personal Information: You can restrict the use and disclosure of sensitive personal information for specific purposes allowed by law.

How We Verify Your Request: Verification processes vary depending on the nature and method of the request. They include matching data points and may involve signed declarations.

Authorized Agents: Authorized agents must provide a valid power of attorney or authorization document from you when making requests on your behalf.

Non-Discrimination Policy: Promenity does not discriminate against individuals for exercising their privacy rights.

Do Not Track Setting: Our platform may not respond to web browser "Do Not Track" signals due to their non-uniform nature.

Disclosures for Direct Marketing Purposes: California Consumers can request information about our disclosure of personal information for third-party direct marketing purposes here.

Changes to This Privacy Policy:

Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be posted on this page, with a prominent notice of significant changes provided before implementation. For further inquiries about our privacy policies and practices, contact us at